15th DECEMBER 2023





Environment and Sustainable Development
The section, in accordance with the current state of the environment and the modern concept of sustainable development, strives to improve the field of environmental protection with theoretical and practical knowledge.
Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Safety
The section deals with topics that involve the improvement of occupational safety and health and fire safety, as well as the introduction of preventive protection measures, in accordance with modern trends.
Smart Management Systems
The thematic units of the section are aimed at establishing, applying and improving the Quality 4.0 in accordance with changes in the business environment.
Graphic Engineering
The section deals with modern processes in prepress, printing, finishing and integration into the process of obtaining products, as well as the analysis of modern packaging materials and packaging systems.
The section deals with contemporary creative and technological tendencies and processes in design, fine and applied arts.
Traffic Engineering
The section deals with the processes of establishing and improving traffic systems, in the areas of traffic planning, sustainable traffic development, traffic safety, traffic regulation, transport, logistics, freight forwarding and fleet management.
Biotechnology and Healthcare
The section deals with modern ways of producing healthy and safe food, innovative plant protection plans, technological operations and processes in various areas of food technology as well as nutrition and healthcare.
Mechanical Engineering
The section deals with modern technologies in the field of manufacturing and process engineering, processing and designing materials, applying software-computer techniques in mechanical engineering, designing, exploitation and maintenance of process plants and structural integrity.
Ecotourism and Rural Development
The section deals with ecotourism and rural development, as a current trend in the development of tourism that follows environmental protection, protection of nature and national cultural heritage, gastronomic heritage and rural customs and traditions.
The section deals with modern trends in the development of various fields of mechatronics.
The aim of the scientific and professional conference is to connect international experts and researchers from the economy, research institutions, educational institutions, scientific institutions and relevant state institutions, to exchange results and experiences arising from theory and practice. In addition, the presentation of scientific and technical achievements is expected to improve the basis for linking higher education and professional environment. International Scientific and Professional Conference POLITEHNIKA 2023 provides the opportunity for successful experts to present their achievements within the relevant sections.
• Pollution and protection of water, air, soil and food
• Urban ecology
• Resources and sustainable development
• Waste management
• Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
• Circular economy and environment
• Legal regulations and risk assessment in the field of environmental protection
• Environmental education
• Recycling and reuse
• Generation and characterization of waste
• Waste recycling technologies
• Legal and organizational forms of occupational safety and health
• Occupational safety and health management system
• Professional risk
• Technical and technological protection in work processes
• Medical, sociological and psychological aspects of occupational safety and health
• Education for occupational safety and health
• Good practice in occupational safety and health
• Occupational safety and company's corporate security
• Prevention and mitigation of fire hazards
• Good practice in fire safety
• Management systems in practice
• Quality culture, business excellence and social responsibility
• Management of business risks, business continuity and sustainability
• Artificial intelligence as support for Quality 4.0
• Information management, information security, cyber security and privacy protection
• Challenges of standardization and education in Industry 4.0
• Tools, methods and techniques in management systems
• New technologies, labor market and human resources
• Contemporary approaches to leadership, management, knowledge and innovation
• Packaging design – where are the limits?
• Specifics of specialized prepress and color management
• Gravure vs. Flexographic printing
• Offset printing - new challenges
• Digital printing machines, new generations, new technologies
• Colors for classic printing technologies
• Modern and eco-friendly materials for the production graphic products
• Active and intelligent packaging
• Nanocellulose in the service of packaging material
• Barrier properties of materials and prepress of polymer materials
• Packaging machines- complex packaging systems
• Standards in the graphic industry
• Design as a form of communication
• The influence of art theory in the field of design
• Design and creative industries
• Design, digital technologies and new media
• Innovations in design: interactive design and smart materials
• Eco design and sustainable development
• Interdisciplinary design
• Design and education: traditional and online environment
• Regulations and standards in traffic and transport
• Organization and technology of road transport
• Public passenger transport
• Traffic management
• Traffic safety
• Traffic regulation
• Operation, maintenance and management of vehicle fleets
• Freight forwarding and logistics.
• Plant protection
• Smart agriculture
• Organic agriculture
• Planning, growing and maintaining perennial plantings
• Application of pesticides and their impact on the environment
• Innovations in food technology
• Food technology and safety of plant products
• Food technology and safety of animal products
• Application of aromatic plants in the food industry
• Nutrition science
• Plant production
• Innovative approaches in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, health care and rehabilitation.
• Manufacturing engineering - CNC technologies
• Material processing and design
• Rapid prototyping
• Software-computer techniques
• Process technologies
•Renewable energy sources
• Design, construction, exploitation, and maintenance of process plants
• Basic and auxiliary operations, devices, and machines in the process industry
• Structural integrity and lifespan
• Material technology
• Rural areas as potential for tourism development
• Rural development and its impact on the environment
• Application of the concept of sustainable development to protected areas
• Ecotourism in protected areas of Serbia and beyond
• Sustainable tourism and local economic development
• Agritourism as a factor of rural development
• Cultural heritage and tourism
• Gastronomic tourism
• Specific forms and trends of health tourism
• Management of natural and cultural resources in tourism
• Tourist destination and sustainable development.
• Management technologies in mechatronics
• Actuator and sensor systems
• Haptic technology and robotics
• Adaptive control and artificial intelligence in mechatronics
• Systems of high precision, micro- and nano-mechatronics
• Car control, autonomous vehicles, and electric vehicles
• Visual servo systems and image processing in mechatronic applications
• Network and communication technologies in mechatronics
• Industry 4.0
• Additive manufacturing and materials
• Electronics
• Industrial power engineering
The conference will be organized in plenary session and in conference scopes (oral presentation and poster presentation). Time frame for presentation:
– Oral presentation up to 10 minutes,
– Poster presentation format is 70 x 100 cm.
The official language of the Conference is English.
Simultaneous translation will not be arranged.
- assoc. prof. Filip Kokalj, PhD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia, president
- prof. Andrea Matta, PhD, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
- prof. Boštjan Pokorny, PhD, dean of Faculty of Environmental Protection, Velenje, Slovenia
- prof. Alessandro Gasparetto, PhD, Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture, Udine, Italy
- prof. Niko Samec, PhD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia
- prof. Ana Paula Vale, PhD, Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
- prof. Michalis Koniordos, PhD, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
- prof. Anka Trajkovska Petkoska, PhD, Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences-Veles, North Macedonia
- prof. Yury Kuznetsov, PhD, Orel State Agrarian University, Orel, Russia
- prof. Mohhamed-Salah Aggoune, PhD, University of Batna 2, Algeria
- prof. Ilija Nasov, PhD, Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences-Veles, North Macedonia
- prof. Tihomir Latinović, PhD, Faculty of informational technologies, Vitez University, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- prof. Driss Nehari, PhD, Ain Timouchen University, Algeria
- prof. Viliana Vasileva, PhD, Agricultural Academy, Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria
- prof. Dorin Camen, PhD,Faculty of Engineering and Applied Technologies, Timisoara, Romania
- prof. Elizabeta Miskoska-Milevska, PhD, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje, North Macedonia
- assoc. prof. Srećko Stopić, PhD, Aachen University, Germany
- assoc. prof. Ezzaldeen Edwan, PhD, Palestine Technical College - Deir El-Balah
- assoc. prof. Plamen Zahariev, PhD, University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Ruse, Bulgaria
- Muharrem Hilmi Aksoy, PhD, Konya Technical University, Konya, Turkey
- Gregor Rak, MSc, Vocational College of Traffic and Transport Maribor, Slovenia
- Prof. Ute Margarete Meyer, PhD, dean of Faculty of Architecture and Energy Engineering, Biberach, Germany
- Darko Ljubić, PhD, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
- Dániel Kovács, Hungarian Museum of Architecture and Monuments Protection Documentation Center, Budapest, Hungary
- Nataša Kraljević, LLM, University Mediterranean, Podgorica, Montenegro
- prof. Petar Uskoković, PhD, dean of Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
- prof. Srđan Glišović, PhD, dean of Faculty of Occupational Safety, Niš, Serbia
- prof. Goran Čpajak, dean of Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade, Serbia
- Branko Savić, PhD, president of Conference of Academies of Applied Studies Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
- prof. Aleksandar Petrović, PhD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
- prof. Aleksandar Jovović, PhD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
- assoc. prof. Biserka Vukomanović Đurđević, PhD, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
- Marina Stamenović, PhD, president of Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- prof. Slaviša Putić, PhD, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia, president
- prof. Vojkan Lučanin, PhD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
- prof. Aleksandar Marinković, PhD, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
- prof. Evica Stojiljković, PhD, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Niš, Serbia
- prof. Momir Praščević, PhD, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Niš, Serbia
- prof. Tanja Manojlović, MA, Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade, Serbia
- assoc. prof. Saša Drmanić, PhD, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
- assoc. prof. Milivoj Pavlović, PhD, Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade, Serbia
- assoc. prof. Zoran Štirbanović, PhD, Technical Faculty, Bor, Serbia
- doc. Vladimir Pavićević, PhD, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
- doc. Katarina Trivunac, PhD, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
- doc. Maja Đolić, PhD, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
- Danica Stojiljković, PhD, University of Belgrade - Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade, Serbia
- Aleksandra Patarić, PhD, Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials, Belgrade, Serbia
- Ivana Jovičić, PhD, Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade, Serbia
- Dejan Blagojević PhD, Academy of Technical Educational Vocational Studies, Niš, Serbia
- prof. Dragan Šešlija, PhD, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Valentina Mladenovic, PhD, Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin, Serbia
- Dominik Brkić, PhD, Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- Aleksandra Nastasić, PhD, Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- Tatjana Marinković, PhD, Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- Predrag Drobnjak, PhD, Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- Goran Zajić, PhD, Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- Ana Popović, PhD, president
- Nebojša Ćurčić, MSc, deputy president
- Predrag Maksić, PhD
- Dragana Gardašević, PhD
- Dragana Kuprešanin, PhDArts
- Aleksandra Božić, PhD
- Zlata Živković, PhD
- Tatjana Sekulić, PhD
- Novak Milošević, MSc
- Aleksandra Janićijević, MSc
- Ana Cvijanović, MA
- Natalija Gaković, MA
- Aleksandra Božović, MSc
- Milan Marković, MSc
- Svetlana Živanović, MSc
15th December 2023, Hyatt Regency Hotel, 5 Milentija Popovića St, Belgrade 11070, Serbia
The formal dinner, starting at 7 p.m., will take place in the Crystal Hall of the hotel.
Instructions for the Preparation of Papers:
Please refer to this link for detailed formatting instructions The completed papers (up to 6 pages including figures and tables), should be submitted by September 10, 2023.
In addition to the papers, please submit a statement of authorship that you can download here
Authors are invited to submit the Abstract by June 15, 2023 using the form.
Instructions for the preparation of Papers:
Paper submission:
Papers should be submitted via e-mail to
Papers should be submitted via e-mail to the following address:
Please download the “Call for Papers Brochure” here
Papers that have received a positive review and for which the registration fee has been paid by November 1, 2023 will be published in the Proceedings.
Registration fees:
RSD 14.000,00 – paper publication as well as a presentation by one of the authors (each additional author willing to attend the Conference, pays the full amount of the fee)
RSD 7.000,00 – paper publication without attendance
RSD 7.000,00 – paper publication that will be presented by students of doctoral, master or specialist studies
RSD 7.000,00 – conference and round tables participation, without a paper submission (formal dinner excluded)
RSD 4.000,00 – paper publication of undergraduate students
Registration fee, in addition to attending the Conference, includes work material, the Proceedings on USB, refreshments during the breaks and a formal dinner in the Hyatt Regency hotel restaurant. This applies to all types of registration fees, except for the publication of a work without presentation. Its fee includes paper publication in the Proceedings (electronic edition) that will be available on the website.
First author can participate with two papers at the stated fee.
The registration fee is to be paid to account number 840-2118666-55, reference number 74212115, with the note ”registration fee for the conference, name and surname of the participant.”
gold sponsor
- Logo in a prominent place of the website
- Logo on the materials in a prominent place
- Advertisement in the Conference Proceedings
- Setting up a stand
- Presentation at the opening
- Participation of 3 representatives
silver sponsor
- Logo on the website
- Logo on the materials
- Advertisement in the Conference Proceedings
- Setting up a stand
- Presentation within one session
- Participation of 2 representatives
bronze sponsor
- Logo on the website
- Logo on the materials
- Advertisement in the Conference Proceedings
- Setting up a stand
- Participation of 1 representative
Detailed information of sponsor packages can be found here.
June 15, 2023 – Abstract submission deadline
June 21, 2023 – Abstract acceptance notification
October 15, 2023 – Full paper submission deadline
November 4, 2023 – Full paper acceptance notification
November 15, 2023 – Registration and fee payment deadline
December 15, 2023 – Conference Day
Katarine Ambrozic 3
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 64 10 990